

Reinventing the betting experience for Horse Racing.


As part of an overhaul of the entire Betfair product, I worked to redesign one of the key channels, Horse Racing. Although popular, Horse Racing can be opaque and mysterious to newcomers. It's one of the most ancient sports, and has a rich culture and arcane jargon which can make it daunting to get into.

Betfair - Horseracing

With the aim to create a new horse racing betting experience which balance the needs of seasoned bettors with the need to make it intuitive to understand for newcomers. With the benefit of an extensive discovery document provided by the product team I was able to synthesise the insight drawn from the discovery process to create three strong proposals to meet the requirements. These were prototyped in Axure and tested across experienced and novice bettor cohorts.

Betfair - Axure screens of the successful proposal

Betfair - Axure screens of the successful proposal

There was a clear preference for the second of three routes proposed, which gave confidence to novice bettors to place their first bet, while also allowing experienced bettors to navigate the detailed information and place single or complex bets in the way they preferred. With minor alterations based on the tests, this version went into production.

© Dave George Design Ltd. 2023